Ever crawl into bed feeling strangely tense? Or wake up groggy despite a good night's sleep? Your bedroom layout might be the culprit. Feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonising energy flow, can help transform your sleep sanctuary. Let's delve into the do’s and don’ts of feng shui bedroom layouts to help you get the most out of your nights.


Feng shui is all about getting you the sleep you deserve. A well-set-up feng shui room creates an energy of relaxation, leading to deeper sleep and more energy — great for both your mind and body.

So, ditch the doubts and give feng shui a go! It's not just a trendy buzzword — it's about turning your bedroom into a space that reflects your style and helps you feel your best.


Unlock deeper sleep with feng shui! These four simple steps can transform your bedroom into a restful space, promoting restful nights and renewed energy.


    The bed is the most important element of bedroom feng shui. Position it against a solid wall to create a sense of security. Avoid placing it directly in line with the door (the "coffin position") or under a window. Aim for a "commanding position" where you can see the door while lying down, but it’s not directly in your line of sight. This will allow you to feel aware and in control.


      Balance is key in feng shui bedroom layout. If space allows, have bedside tables on either side of the bed. This creates a feeling of stability, which is especially important for couples. Even if your nightstands don't match, ensure they complement each other visually. This extends beyond furniture — aim for balanced lighting with lamps on each side, and avoid placing large, heavy furniture on one side of the room.


        We don’t mean literally — think about the symbolic lines your furniture is creating in your space. Too many sharp lines are seen as "sha chi" or disruptive energy in feng shui. This is especially true for furniture aimed at the bed. If you have a sharp dresser, consider placing a plant or a throw between it and the bed to soften the visual impact. Rearranging furniture to minimise the effects of sharp lines can significantly improve the energy flow.

        4. CLEAR CLUTTER

          Clutter is the enemy of good feng shui. A cluttered space creates stagnant energy and disrupts sleep. This goes beyond just your clothes — avoid electronics or workout equipment in the bedroom. If possible, dedicate a separate space for these items and allow your bedroom to be a space for relaxation.


          While furniture placement is crucial, good bedroom feng shui goes further. Here are some additional tips:

          • Minimise electronics: The light emitted from electronics disrupts sleep patterns. Charge your phone outside the bedroom and avoid watching TV in bed.
          • Embrace nature: Plants help purify the air and add a touch of life to your space. Opt for low-maintenance varieties like snake plants or peace lilies.
          • Choose soothing colours: Choose calming colours in the bedroom. To some, this may mean neutrals, and to others, this may mean grey or navy.
          • Set intentions: Set the tone for your space with intention. Think about how you want to feel in your bedroom — peaceful, energised, creative? Choose elements that reflect that intention. 


          It’s time to add some ideas to your mood board — here are some inspo pics to help you transform your place into a well-balanced haven.


          Who said black couldn’t be feng shui? This bedroom is a minimalist’s dream — bathed in calming neutral tones and clean decor. A built-in faux headboard provides a stylish backdrop for the bed with space above for decorations and storage. A simple round bedside table and flowing curtains grace the space beside the bed, adding softness and balancing out any harsh lines.

          This design invites restful sleep and a sense of rejuvenation. It’s a perfect example of how feng shui principles can be subtly — yet powerfully — woven into a modern bedroom space.

          LIGHT AND AIRY

          This room is bathed in natural light, with two large windows on either side of the bed. This placement allows maximum light and airflow while providing a sense of security with the solid wall behind the bed. 

          Side tables flank the bed with plants to add a touch of life and soften the furniture's clean lines. This light and airy layout promotes tranquillity — ideal for a peaceful night's sleep.

          COSY NOOK

          A charmingly compact bedroom painted in a soft tan. The bed is positioned slightly off the wall for optimal feng shui and easier access. A single nightstand sits beside the more accessible side of the bed. 

          The pièce de résistance? A beautiful pendant lamp with a soft, diffused glow hangs next to the bed. This layout demonstrates how good feng shui principles can be applied even in a compact space, meeting the standards of both form and function.


          Don't let a small bedroom prevent you from achieving good feng shui. Use space-saving furniture like platform beds with built-in storage or storage ottomans. If you can’t place your bed in the centre of the room, place it close to the wall with a small gap for easier access.

          If you study or watch TV in your room, folding screens or room dividers can create designated areas for sleep and relaxation. Use mirrors strategically to create the illusion of more space, but avoid placing them directly opposite the bed.


          Remember, feng shui is not about rigid rules but about creating a harmonious space that promotes wellbeing. Experiment with furniture placement, declutter and incorporate your favourite calming colours. Most importantly, pay attention to how the space makes you feel — if it’s not calm and rejuvenated, it's time to make some changes.

          At Bedding co, we're passionate about restful sleep. While good feng shui is important, quality bedding is equally essential. Explore our selection of premium, all-natural sheets, doonas and more to experience the Bedding co difference.